A traveling workshop

Where you build a bong 

Experience is everything boys!

One time I went to OSV (Old Sturbridge Village to normies) and made my own candle-stick holder. I was a grownup working in an insurance office and I still have it, but not the job. 

Ask Nick Offerman, when you make things with your hands...it is important and special the feeling that comes; whether the product be shitty or grand.

I will bring clean empty glass from recycling that would make a good bong, along with 3 kinds of glass stems, short straight, long straight and 90 degree angle, and grommets.  I will also bring safety goggles, gloves, squirt bottles with water, a bit of dish soap, and old newspapers and paper bags for shipping...and masking tape. Oh, yeah...and a few electric drills with the glass hole cutter drill bits.

People would pick out their base, select their stem and we'd help them turn it into a bong.  We'd then clean it up for them, wrap it in newspaper and tape and seal into a brown paper bag for taking home.

This would be an obvious crossover hit with Lunch-A-Bowls and with ScentedBongWater!