Red Pyramid


There are times when the ideas that come from WeMailCoconuts could be considered unconsidered, unthoughtful, unkind. There are also times when they are outright immoral and yet contain a certain elegance.

This is not one of those times.

There are times when the writers at WeMailCoconuts are proud of their work, the good they bring to the world.

This is not one of those times either.

Why then, why write it?

Because the bad is there, its not ours to keep from others, bad will out.

plus like Kanye said "how come everything supposed to be bad make me feel so good? How come everything I'm supposed to not do is exactly what I would?"

Take it with as many grains of salt as you can fit in a mouthful - then choke on it.

At the end of 2024 RedBox went kaput. They more than went bankrupt, they sort of disappeared.

That left a shit ton of Redbox DVD Rental Kiosks lying about no longer operational, simply taking up space on sidewalks in front of shitty mega retailers and pharmacies.

As it is 2025 now and there is no single location where one can go to get actual factual useful information, there is very little understood about who is responsible for these super vending machines, who has the right to take them, dispose of them...and what about all those discs inside?


Here it is.

Today I can go on eBay and purchase 100 random (unique) DVD titles from a seller for $72, shipping included.

That makes each DVD cost 72 cents apiece.

Pretty sweet deal if you love every title, and don't mind owning duplicates (each seller only verifies uniqueness at the 50 box level, meaning if you wanted 1,000 DVDs, you'd not be able to get there with this method without acquiring tons of dupes.)

A better solution is to "Go-In" with some friends on a larger buy. The first step is finding a seller who has lots larger than 50-100.

Then we pool our funds as a group and buy a lot...Here is where the Pyramid comes in.

How do we decide who gets to pick through the titles first?

Why, the first person who joined gets that right...and on down the line.


Text the CEO of WMC if DTF.