DIYNNR - Do It Yourself Nearby Neighborhood Restaurant
Problem Statement #1 - There are not enough FOOD OPTIONS around me.
Problem Statement #2 - There are TALENTED, QUALIFIED, COMPETENT home cooks and chefs that could use more MONEY
Problem Statement #3 - There are SAFE DRIVERS with RELIABLE CARS that could use more MONEY
DIYNNR is a web based application built to connect people HUNGRY for great food with people who are HUNGRY for Independence and Financial Freedom, be they COOKS, DRIVERS or BOTH.
The first step in becoming a DIYNNR is to REGISTER with the app. This will look like any app registration process in the world today.
After Registration, users will be asked to answer a few quick questions:
Do you want to BUY food?
If BUYING food, user is presented with a geospatial map and grid list of DIYNNR SELLERS in their neighborhood using the cellphone's Location Tracking, and taking into account what SELLERS are ACTIVE at this moment in time.
Do you want to SELL food?
If SELLING is your goal, you will need to follow a more rigorous Registration process including SERV-SAFE certification and home inspections.
Do you want to DELIVER food?
If DELIVERING is your plan, you will need a separate Registration that includes vehicle saftey checks, insurance verification and CORI background investigation.
Once a user is fully vetted for SELLING or DELIVERING, they will be able to PUBLISH their own DIYNNR Kitchen or DIYNNR Delivery Service Pages - these are digital storefronts and schedules customizable by the user themselves, using easy drag and drop design tools.
Every DIYNNR user will be connected to some FINANCIAL SYSTEM, so that the payment and collection process is entirely automated and no CASH ever changes hands.
A single DIYNNR can be a BUYER, SELLER, and DRIVER - again with all the payments out and receipts in being fully automatic from within the app.
For DIYNNR to be successful
Existing FOOD DELIVERY apps would need to be utilized, not reinvented. - This means integration with UberEats/DoorDash or someone else in the final delivery field.
Local Boards of Health would need to be supportive and have necessary resources to inspect and approve many home kitchens.
As MA Cottage Food Laws are much more supportive of SHELF STABLE food, perhaps a pivot away from meals and more toward a Decentralized Farmers / Crafters Market model might make more sense.
Payment would be a % of sales and possibly selling branded DIYNNR compostable packaging, for consistency and branding.